Friday, February 10, 2017

How to Install Concrete Paver Edging; Livermore Masonry

Installing concrete paver edging is not a particularly difficult task but it does take some time and effort to do it properly. In addition, a little experience with the process can lend significant dividends if a problem is encountered. With those two thoughts in mind, here is a quick rundown on how to accomplish this installation with as little fuss and muss as possible:

Prepare the site – It is necessary to excavate a small trench around the entire perimeter of the paver space you are looking to edge. The trench must be wide enough to accommodate the paver and deep enough to reach below the gravel and sand levels of the original paverinstallation
Install the bed – Similar to the main paver installation for driveways, sand and gravel must be laid down in the trench to solidly support the paver edging. Do not skimp on this step as doing it is essential for properly securing the entire patio structure.

Place the pavers – While a professional paving installation company will usually choose to install the edging pavers with no bonding material, DIYers might want to use a coating of thin-set mortar to firmly affix this final layer.

Add the plastic restraints – These plastic anchor pieces should be set against the exterior of the outside edge and secured with a spike into the ground. Keep the edge of the restraint about an inch below surface level so that it will not be visible in the finished product.

Backfill and finish – Add some more gravel behind the plastic restraints to add a little extra strength and then backfill the trench with the original soil. Tamp firmly and then overfill the trench to a depth of one inch. The natural settling of the soil will do the rest.

For more information on properly installing concrete paver edging around your new patio or pool deck, please contact the experts at BCP Concrete, Inc. You can find us online  reach us directly. We will be happy to answer any of your questions.

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